Italian numismatic magazine, 2001

Italian journal of numismatics and related sciences. Founded by Solone Ambrosoli in 1888. Published by the Italian Numismatic Society in Milan, Milan, 2001, pp. 482, richly illustrated, 25 cm, br. and.

From the Index: PH. GRIERSON, The origins of the GL MANGIERI coin, Sidion coins and monetary circulation in the Classical-Hellenistic period in Gravina in Puglia and Altamura O. MARRA, Il vittoriato: its circulation and function within the Roman monetary system G. MANGANARO, Gleanings in the medal table of the archaeological museum of Siracura C. DE RANIERI, Salus, Felicitas, Fortuna: the virtutes of a Roman emperor. Analysis of some Commodian coins M. BERGAMINI, The numismatic collection of Emilio Bonci Casuccini. Training and events J. BAKER, Three foutheenth century coin hoards from Apulia containing gigliati and Greek deniers tournois F. SAETTI, Anchor on a gold duchy coined in Milan by Galeazzo Maria Sforza L. GIANAZZA, Aspects of the Savoy numismatics L. MEZZAROBA, The rebirth of the schools of devotion in nineteenth-century Venice. Part one.

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