Collection Hartwig
P. & P. Santamaria, Vente aux enchères publiques de la collection de Medailles Grecques et Romaines, Aes Grave, livres de numismatique, histoire, archeologie, appartenant au Dr. Paul Hartwig, 7 March 1910, Società Tip. Editrice Romana, Rome 1910, pp. VI, 221, title page in black and red, splendid headers and illustrations of coins interspersed in the text, 28 pls. of coins, 28 cm, cart. coeval decorated with a morocco label and gold titles and fillets on the spine, the red paperback preserved.
The catalog presents 2335 lots, including: 842 ancient Greek coins of which 695 from Italian mints, 30 aes grave, 174 republican denarii, 960 imperial coins, 306 books.
Attached is the list of clearing prices, pp. 11.
In excellent condition. Very rare.