How to order

Searching for a book in our catalog is simple, the search methods have been optimized to be easy and quick to use.

Find texts based on categories or by typing their author, title or subject in the free search field at the top.

Once you have identified the books you want, you can order them in different ways:

1) By e-mail, by sending an e-mail to

2) By phone , calling the following numbers: (+39) 080 2377107 , during the opening hours of the Studio, or (+39) 320 4942630

3) Directly from the website . Ordering from our site is very easy, just follow these four steps:

to. choose the book that interests you;

b. add it to cart;

c. click on the delivery method you prefer;

d. select the payment method and submit your order.

Terms of payment

We accept payments by bank transfer , PayPal and credit cards . However, we are always available to satisfy the needs of customers by agreeing on the use of other means of payment.

For orders with a total amount exceeding 500.00 euros, we offer our customers the possibility of using the installment payment formula , without interest or additional costs. Proposal and acceptance of the installments must take place before the completion of the order. The ordered material is sent to the balance.

For any information or clarification do not hesitate to contact us .